The method used here is to recursively form cross products of the values stored in each of the GUI-control-possible-value Vectors ( we will call these Vectors," Permutation Groups"). 此处使用的方法是递归形成存储在每个GUI控件可能值Vectors中的值的积(我们称这些Vectors为“置换群(PermutationGroup)”)。
Think about what happens if a cross dresser is on call at all times and carries a pager. 想想看,如果变装者身上带着传呼机,又一直被呼叫,会发生什么事情。
Additionally when a team comes to task out a cross team dependent piece of work, they call upon the other teams and work collaboratively to plan how they will address the work. 此外,当他们遇到跨团队的工作任务时,他们会邀请涉及到的团队来一起计划如何开展工作。
I was in your area today but it didn't cross my mind to call and see you. 今天我去过你那儿附近,但我没有想起来去看看你。
The Jack Russell Cross is a civic hero now, having gone well beyond the call of canine duty. 罗素梗串已超越他狗狗的本能,是我们心目的英雄。
Understood the importance of God's call to take up his own cross& His call to 理解的重要性,上帝的号召,承担起自己的跨他的电话
Cross patch cross patch, draw the latch, sit by the fire and spin; take a cup and drink it up, then call your neighbors in. 十字架片,拉门闩,袖手旁观火和旋转;带一个杯子和饮料,然后邀请你的邻居来。
The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1) Build the CLM ( Cross Layer Markov) Model to describe the relationship between the call level and packet level. 主要工作和贡献如下:1)建立了呼叫层和分组层相互关系的跨层马尔可夫(CLM,CrossLayerMarkov)模型。